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25W Vision Vapros iBox VV/VW MOD - 1500mAh - мультифункциональный боксмод вариватт.
Оригинальный дизайн, отличное качество, компактный размер, приятное покрытие.
Возможность использования в качестве powerbank (заряжает внешние устройства, например, телефон)
Регулировка мощности и напряжения.
Выходное напряжение: 3V - 6V
Выходная мощность: 3-25W
Встроенный аккумулятор на 1500 мАч
Размер 94.5х54 мм
Коннектор 510
1 шт. Один. Зовсім один. Поспішай! шт. ще є на складі
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25W Vision Vapros iBox VV/VW MOD - 1500mAh - мультифункциональный боксмод вариватт.
25W Vision Vapros iBox VV/VW MOD - 1500mAh - мультифункциональный боксмод вариватт.
Оригинальный дизайн, отличное качество, компактный размер, приятное покрытие.
Возможность использования в качестве powerbank (заряжает внешние устройства, например, телефон)
Регулировка мощности и напряжения.
Выходное напряжение: 3V - 6V
Выходная мощность: 3-25W
Встроенный аккумулятор на 1500 мАч
Размер 94.5х54 мм
Коннектор 510
Одержувач: :
* Обов'язкові поля
або Скасувати
Защита от перегрева, настройка отсечки 8-18 секуенд
Product Introduction
25W Vision Vapros iBox VV/VW Multi-functional MOD - 1500mAh is an innovative mod with multi-functions like external output to charge your phones, the minimum resistance value setting, cut-off time setting, time setting, besides the common VV and VW and resistance value detection etc.
Size (length and width): 94.5 * 54mm
Voltage: 3V - 6V
Wattage: 3W - 25W
Built-in battery: 1500mAh
Color: black
It comes with
Simple packing. Customary Packing from the factory, the packing is subject to change without notice.
1. Date and time adjustment
2. External output control
3. Resistance protection control
4. Cut-off time control
5. Three controlling mechanisms
6. VV/VW two modes
Turn on/off: when the iBox is off, pressing the round center button for 2 seconds will enable it. After it's turned on, also press the center button for 2 seconds, it will enter the management console, which shows 6 icons. You can chooseeach icon by rotating the center button;To turn it off, choose the first sub-menu and click the enter button once.
VV/VW mode exchange: these two modes can be easily changed by clicking the center button once.
Time management:use the rotating wheel to choose the second icon and click the center button to enter.Then you can reset time through the rotating wheel and click enter button to get to next section.
External output control: use the rotating wheel to choose the third icon and click the center button to enter. Once clicked, it goes back to the main interface with a lighting sign on the main interface. To be deactivated, repeat the same procedure.
Resistance protection control:use the rotating wheel to choose the fourth icon and click the center button to enter. The range of adjustment is between 0.5ohm to 1.8ohm. Once set, with any carto having lower ohm value than the setted value, the device will report "RESISTANCE PROTECTION" on main screen and stop the power button to work.
Cut-off time control:use the rotating wheel to choose the fifth icon and click the center button to enter.The range of adjustment if between 8 - 18 seconds. Once set, at the configured length of power output (as indicated by the running clock when push the sliding button at side), the device will cut off power output for safety purpose.
Exit:use the rotating wheel to choose the sixth icon and click the center button to enter.It exits the management console and goes back to the main interface.
Charging the device: charge can be done by only use the USB cable, or with both the USB cable and the AC adapter.
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